Camp NaNoWriMo is coming up with June and August sessions this summer and I want you to give it a try.
Did you attempt NaNoWriMo in the past but fell short of the 50,000 word goal? Were you totally jealous of the winners and their winner goodies? Or have you always meant to take on the challenge and just never had the chance? Is November a terrible month for you but you still want to participate in the writing fun? Or have you never even been interested in NaNoWriMo but just like winning free stuff?
There are no prizes for winning Camp NaNo like there are for NaNoWriMo Original Recipe (aka the one in November). But, just for signing up for even one of the 2012 summer sessions, I’ll give one lucky camper…
5 Free copies of your novel from CreateSpace!
This is one of the prizes you would have won if you were a NaNoWriMo Winner last November but anyone is eligible to win it, even if you’ve never participated in NaNoWriMo before. Restrictions on the prize? You’ll need to place the order for your books (and proofs don’t count) before June 30th, 2012 so make sure you can make that timeline happen.  Is your book not ready for the public yet? You can use your 5 free copies to make gift books for friends and family, to print out copies of your novel draft for beta readers, or use it for a completely different project. It’s really just a code that enables you to get 5 free copies of any new project so think outside the box for how you could use it. (Note: You can’t use it with publisher accounts, just normal author accounts, so you may need to create a second account depending. If you’re a NaNo winner who’s already used this prize in 2012, you also may not be eligible to use it again unless you create a different account.)
Depending on the length and cost of the book you use it for, this prize could be worth anywhere from $25 to $75 or more! That’s nothing to sneeze at!
I’m going to make this contest as simple as possible so anyone and everyone can participate.
Here’s how to enter:
- Sign-up (it’s free) over at the Camp NaNoWriMo website. If you’ve done NaNoWriMo or Script Frenzy in the past, the same login info should work there.
- Set up your Camper and Novel Info and pick a session (June 2012 or August 2012). You don’t have to fill out every single field right now, just commit to a session and fill out at least some of the basics to activate your profile.
- Leave a comment on this post with the link to your Camp NaNoWriMo profile. For instance, mine is Just for fun, you can also add your favorite summer memory. 🙂
- I’ll number all the entries that come in and use a random number generator to pick a winner by May 25th. I’ll notify the winner and email over their code for the books. (If I can’t tell your email address from your commenting details, I’ll send the info via pm on the Camp NaNoWriMo site.)
But now I’m going to sweeten the deal. If we hit more than 10 entries, I’m going to pick TWO winners. If we pass 20 entries, I’ll pick THREE. If we go over 30 entries, I’ll add other random cool prizes that have been donated into the mix and give them out as well. (Note: All of the prizes in this contest have been donated by kind NaNoWriMo participants to help spread the word about Camp NaNoWriMo!)
So the best way to increase your chances of winning are to share this link as many places as possible and encourage your friends to enter. The more people that enter, the greater your chances of winning because I’ll be giving out more prizes. So share this link on Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, and anywhere else you think your friends and followers will see it.
But what if I’m not sure if I’ll have time for Camp NaNoWriMo this summer? What if I don’t finish the 50,000? What if [insert misc whine here]?
All you have to do to be eligible is to sign up. If you never actually participate or write a single word, I’ll never know. My goal is to just get you to consider it and check out the site, though I hope you’ll give it a chance.
There we are. Simple enough, right? Ask any questions and start entering below!
Since we’re down to the last 24 hours, I’m changing the rules a little. I will now draw 3 winners no matter how many entries we get! I will then draw a fourth winner that will get a random other prize. You’re chances of winning are insanely good so make sure you get those entries in before midnight!
Not only have I signed up, I’ve requested Hillary in my cabin.  Cha-ching! Â
I’m not deadset on my novel ideas in that order, and I might have another project come that’ll replace one.
In the summers, when I was off from school, I used to read a book a day. Â Now, libraries aren’t as nice. Â My local library charges $1 per book for borrowing something that they don’t have in my tiny, underfunded library through the interlibrary loan program. Â And let me tell you, I did pick up the phone and called Gov. Christie’s office when that funding was cut – it was restored.
Sharon, check your mail on the Camp NaNoWriMo site.
I am defintiely going to finish this summer – if my life depends on it!!
TMNox, check your mail on the Camp NaNoWriMo site.
Signed up! I’m super excited for Camp NaNoWriMo, its my first time participating in the Camp though I’ve done the main event a few times. Here’s my profile:
My favorite summer memory is going to the library with my Mom. :]
I’m really excited for Camp Nanowrimo, since the November one is always such a busy time for students such as myself. I’m really excited to do this while I’ve got some more time!
Thanks for the opportunity!
My first camp! I’m nervous AND excited!
I read all the time as a kid, especially in the summer. Shower times at home were assigned, as their were five girls and one bathroom. There were many instances where I tried to barter to switch times because I had just arrived at the good part of my book. Â I have to confess, there were occasions that I went in the bathroom and turned on the water to make it sound as though I was taking a bath so that I could continue reading. Â Â