Nana’s Happy Happy Good News Only Birthday Video Chat
- Comedy / Streaming Play
- 30-40 minutes
- 5 m, 5 f (7-10 performers possible, flexible genders)
The whole family was supposed to be together tonight to celebrate Nana’s birthday until a storm left them all stranded and scattered. The grandkids decide to take the party virtual with a birthday video chat, but they don’t want any nasty surprises to ruin her special day. But can this group of disasters make it look like they’ve got their act together even though they’re miles apart?
With a set of siblings trying to hide exactly where they’re calling from and why, an ex-couple pretending to be in the same room, a babysitter who has lost control of her charges, a cousin with a questionable online business, a series of calls from increasingly ridiculous smart devices and a grandma with secrets of her own, it’s not going to be easy for everyone to keep their drama hidden so this evening can stay Good News Only.
This play is designed to be performed over a streaming platform like Zoom or Google Meet or in a case when the performers are not all in the same space.
Acting editions, director’s binder books and performance rights and permissions for this show are all available exclusively through YouthPLAYS.