by Hillary DePiano | Jul 30, 2018 | External Stimuli, On Writing: Craft and Commiseration
No, it’s not just you. It is really freaking hard to write right now. The world has gone mad, everything is terrible and all that continuous fear and rage and stress makes it really hard to focus on anything, much less fiction. Creatives, like writers, are...
by Hillary DePiano | Mar 12, 2018 | External Stimuli, Personally...
I’ve been using the same desk lamp since middle school. It’s the world’s most generic black desk lamp with little cubbies on the bottom for paper clips and mouse skulls or whatever people keep in there. I’ve used it this long because it’s...
by Hillary DePiano | Jul 13, 2017 | External Stimuli
There was drama in the world of Muppets this week. Steve Whitmire, the puppeteer that Jim Henson himself personally trained and picked to succeed him in the role of Kermit the Frog, one of two original Muppet performers left, is no longer with the Muppets. Kermit has...
by Hillary DePiano | Jun 5, 2017 | External Stimuli, Uncategorized
Having bid our official farewell to Old House (as my 4 year old calls it), it’s time to talk a bit about New House. To start with, it’s lovely and has much to recommend it, though there are also a fair amount of headaches we knew were coming because...
by Hillary DePiano | May 29, 2017 | External Stimuli
When my husband and I were first looking for our first house, we were dead set against townhouses. Every house looking the same, no real yards, no thank you. Then we found this magic townhouse on a dead end and changed our minds. Because while it looked like a...
by Hillary DePiano | Mar 4, 2017 | External Stimuli, Living the Writing Life
I haven’t talked about this online for a variety of reasons but you should know that all this time I’ve been blogging about this insanely stressful series of months I’ve been having, there’s been an additional complication on top of everything...