by Hillary DePiano | Dec 30, 2024 | Announcements, Living the Writing Life, Personally...
The relentless passage of time bringing anyone else down? Somehow, we have zoomed to the end of another year, one in which I have been lax at blogging. This is partly because I have been super busy with classes and workshops and new plays that we will discuss in...
by Hillary DePiano | Mar 31, 2020 | Living the Writing Life, NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month), Personally...
About a week ago, you couldn’t go online without someone reminding you that Shakespeare wrote King Lear during quarantine so you have no excuse not to write that novel now! And then somehow we’ve gone full circle from that to people saying that if you ARE...
by Hillary DePiano | Mar 16, 2020 | Announcements, My Writing, Personally...
So, um, how’s everyone holding up out there? Very… interesting times we’re living in, no? Anyone else just, like, completely cracked out on fear and uncertainty right now? My oldest is still in school but they switch to “online learning”...
by Hillary DePiano | Jan 1, 2019 | Living the Writing Life, Personally..., Uncategorized
I am usually an adjustable person when it comes to change but the new WordPress compose window is such a nightmare, I’m actually going to keep this somewhat short literally just so I don’t have to deal with it for more than I have to. I’ve said...
by Hillary DePiano | Mar 12, 2018 | External Stimuli, Personally...
I’ve been using the same desk lamp since middle school. It’s the world’s most generic black desk lamp with little cubbies on the bottom for paper clips and mouse skulls or whatever people keep in there. I’ve used it this long because it’s...
by Hillary DePiano | Sep 12, 2016 | External Stimuli, Personally..., Uncategorized
It is my personal theory that everyone has one. “I can’t pick you up right now, bud. I’m already carrying 37 billion things.” “The doctor’s went fine apart from the fact that I had to sit in the waiting room for 37 hours before they...