Revitalize Your Author Platform: Making the most out of your author website, blog, mailing list, social media and more

Romance Writers Online

You’re a real wizard with words but computer stuff? Not so much. Whether you’ve got a long neglected website or never really set up a proper web presence, author, e-commerce expert and big honkin’ nerd Hillary DePiano is here to show you easy ways to get more out of the tools you’ve already got… even […]

Marketing Philosophy: Branding and building your author platform

Romance Writers Online

Though often used interchangeably, both your author platform and your brand are essential tools for building a writing career. How can a blog help you sell books? Are social sites like Twitter (X) and Facebook good for anything other than wasting time? Are there time-tested strategies that work no matter which platform is the latest […]

Get Stuff Done: Productivity and Goal Tracking for Writers

Contemporary Romance Writers

You want to write more, but there are only so many hours in a day. Everyone’s trying to do more with less time these days and writers are no exception. But there’s no one size fits all method because creative work isn’t always linear and we’re all unique with our own strengths and challenges. What […]

Marketing Philosophy: Branding and Building Your Author Platform 


Though often used interchangeably, both your author platform are your brand are essential tools for building a writing career. How can a blog help you sell books? Are social sites like Twitter (X) and Facebook good for anything other than wasting time? Are there time tested strategies that work no matter which platform is the […]