by Hillary DePiano | Sep 3, 2021 | Announcements, My Writing, Playwriting and Theatre
Long time no chat! I’m still on my hiatus from social media but I want to pop in with some exciting news! My first play specifically for elementary school aged performers and up, The Three Little Pigs and the Big Bad Storm, is now available exclusively through...
by Hillary DePiano | Apr 17, 2020 | Evergreen, My Writing, Playwriting and Theatre
Whenever I adapt something, people always ask me what it was that I loved about the original that made me adapt it and, 9 times out of 10, I don’t adapt something because I love it but rather because I absolutely hate it and want to fix it. But this was not the...
by Hillary DePiano | Apr 10, 2020 | Evergreen, Living the Writing Life, My Writing, Playwriting and Theatre, Uncategorized
It’s a good Friday! (Sorry, I couldn’t help myself!) Why? Because The Fourth Orange (one act edition) is officially available in paperback and eBook today just about everywhere books are sold. It’s a funny family friendly one act fairy tale with...
by Hillary DePiano | Dec 29, 2019 | Living the Writing Life, On Writing: Craft and Commiseration, Playwriting and Theatre
In a few days, we’ll be celebrating New Year’s Eve 2019 which marks not just the end of the year but also the decade. Social media has been abuzz for weeks with the twin takes of “Make a list of what you accomplished in the last 10 years!” and...
by Hillary DePiano | Jul 2, 2019 | Announcements, Evergreen, Living the Writing Life, My Writing, Playwriting and Theatre, Uncategorized
Here’s something exciting: The Fourth Orange and Other Fairy Tales You’ve Never Even Heard Of is finally ready to share with the world! This play has been 6 years in the making* and is without a doubt the most complicated thing I have ever attempted to...
by Hillary DePiano | Mar 11, 2019 | Evergreen, Living the Writing Life, Playwriting and Theatre, Uncategorized
You want to see something really cool? Jada of creamcheese.cosplay is making some absolutely amazing costumes for The Love of Three Oranges and documenting the whole process over on Instagram (a platform I am on but barely know how to use if you want to follow me and...